We offer various payment methods.
We currently accept Master Card, Visa Card, Maestro and American Express. We credit refunds for returns to your payment card account. An integrated SSL procedure ensures the security of the data transmitted during payment card payments.
If your payment card provider participates in the 3D Secure process (security process and authentication of your payment card), you may be asked to enter your PIN at the end of your order.
If you have questions about registering for the 3D Secure process, please contact your payment card provider directly.
PayPal allows you to pay easily and securely. You will be forwarded to PayPal during the ordering process. If you are already registered with PayPal, you can log in there and pay via your PayPal account. PayPal also offers the option for processing a payment as a guest without registering.
When you choose Klarna at checkout, you’ll get the option to shop now and pay later for your purchase.
Pay within 30 days (maximum 2.000 €)
Make your purchase today and start enjoying what you’ve ordered right away. Pay up to 30 days later and enjoy payment empowerment and peace of mind. No interest. No fees. Ever.
About Klarna
Fondée à Stockholm, en Suède, Klarna est l'une des sociétés européennes connaissant la croissance la plus rapide et est l'un des principaux fournisseurs de paiement alternatif. La vision de Klarna est de rendre tous les paiements plus «smoooth » et de faciliter la vie des acheteurs et des détaillants avec des options de paiement uniques et une expérience client supérieure.
Klarna compte 3 500 employés dans 17 pays et ouvre la voie aux modes de paiement alternatifs en proposant des solutions de paiement smoooth à 90 millions de consommateurs et 250 000 commerçants.
Klarna FAQ: https://www.klarna.com/be/klantenservice/