We offer various payment methods.
We currently accept Master Card, Visa Card, Maestro and American Express. We credit refunds for returns to your payment card account. An integrated SSL procedure ensures the security of the data transmitted during payment card payments. If your payment card provider participates in the 3D Secure process (security process and authentication of your payment card), you may be asked to enter your PIN at the end of your order. If you have questions about registering for the 3D Secure process, please contact your payment card provider directly.
When you choose Klarna at checkout, you’ll get the option to shop now and pay later for your purchase.
Pay in 30 days (maximum 50.000 DKK)
Pay for your order after you have received it. Make your purchase today and start enjoying what you’ve ordered right away. Pay up to 30 days later and enjoy payment empowerment and peace of mind.
About Klarna
Founded in Stockholm, Sweden, Klarna is one of Europe's fastest-growing companies and a leading alternative payment provider. Klarna’s vision is to make shopping smoooth, adding value for consumers and retailers with unique payment options and superior customer experience.
Klarna has 3,500 employees across 17 countries, and is leading the way for alternative payments by serving 90 million consumers and 250,000 merchants payment solutions.
Klarna FAQ: https://www.klarna.com/dk/kundeservice/